The Problem with Macroevolution

What evolution? Micro or Macro?

I myself have believed and still struggle with this but the destinction is REALLLY important to make here.

Microevolution says that species adapt to their enviornment over time in order to surive better - survival of the fittest, which was introduced by Charles Darwin.

Macroevoltion is the BELIEF system that states that all species have ONE common ancestor. So we are all the ancestor of a one cell organism - then developped into fish, reptiles, mammals, apes then humans.

So briefly - Charles Darwin has discoverd that animals adopt to their enviornemnt on the beautiful island of madagascar (mircoevolution) & that the fittest survive via "natural seletion" or "survival of the fittest".

He CONCLUDED based on these observings that this adapation over a long time would be the origin of life itself. That is when the belief in the macroevolution has begun.

While microevolution is to be considered a wide spread fact - macroevolution on the other hand might be one of the biggest misbeliefs there is today.

The theory of macroevolution is closer to a religion based on blind faith than Christianity, because at least there is some proof of the existence of Jesus himself - while there is literally NO proof of macroevolution that can be seen as valid...

The problem with natural seleciton

Bacterias - become more resistant bacterias but never anything more than a bacteria...

No new organs either...

Not even minor changes are permanent (cyclical changes)

(Book Darwin on Trial)

Survival not Arrival

Natural Selection has NEVER been obeserved to create new types

Limits of the DNA

Dog breeders always just make dogs...

Not even artificial selection monitored by intelligent beings like us can create new species WHY would blind non-intelligent selecetion do it?

Irreducible Complex

“If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed, which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down. But I can find no such case.”

― Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species

Cells were still a black box - they are more complex then ever imagined...

Any little thing missing the whole thing would colopse like a motor or a plane.

Body has trillions of cells & makes millions of new ones EVERY second - each one of it is so complex that no part can be missing! There is NO ROOM for a transition period.

-> There is NO experimental evidence that can show that natural selection can get around irreducible Complexity

Non-viability of Transition Forms

Scales to Feathers

Water to Earth

The First Life Problem

Sceletion is not VALID to proof common ancestors

DNA Matching is not VALID to proof common ancestors

Human and Apes 95%

Human and Mice 90%

Could point to same creator using the same language.

The planet & food chain requires a similiar strucutre.


Complexity of Life

Carl Segan stated The information content of a human brain expressed in bits is comparable to the number of a hundred trillion bits - if written out in english - that would be 20 million books (probably underestimated) Humans eventhough they are somewhat intelligent cannot create anything near that complexity - why assume that something withouth any intelligence could do it then?

The Protein Problem

Protein 100 Amino Accids - specific order

If common ancestor - some transitional proteins - but we don't find that but we find completely isolated structres that point to NO common ancestory. There a big gaps that fit better the theory of species coming into existence seperate from each other. Darwinists CANNOT explain that.

The fossile records

The fossile records are an embarassment for the macroevoltion beliefs.

They do not show graduation at ALL!

Darwin himself knew that this is the biggest proof against his theory but he believed that they will find fossile records in the future that proof the transition species. Well, we haven't... But still we cling to macroevolution? WHY, I mean even Darwin himself would probably at this point wonder if he was wrong...

So the fossiles look nearly EXACTLY the same the first time they appeard on earth until they dissappear. No gradiation - no transtion... Well...

Some scientist admit it seems - all to be formed at once ...

So there is not just a few missing links in the chain - there is a missing chain!!!

The biological big bang...

The so called cambrian explosion was a time roughly 400-500 million years ago where many species just popped out of nowhere into existence fully formed. This event is so dramatic and the fossiles are so clearly pointing to it that is called also the biological big bang...

No experimental success to any degree:

Mutation is mostly harmful anyway!!! 

Think about it how can lifeless "stupid" matter create intelligently designed structures?

When did the wind ever write something of meaning in the sand? NEVER. Chaotic matter just DOES NOT create intelligent messages. Think about it.

Why should all of a sudden random atoms form and create life that is insanly complex - I'm not talking about us, I'm talking about the absurd complexity of the simpelest cellular life that exists.

DNA is nothing else than a programming language telling a cell what to do - telling all your cells in your body what to do to do the millions of processes that are happening every second.

This is not a tiny amount of information but whole enzyclopedias full of it.

In the simplelest life form there is and expected amout of 1,000 encyclopedia of structured and complex information...

So tell me when would the WIND EVER WRITE 1,000 enzyclopedias all at once! This is the first life!!!

There is no slow evolution going on - this is the first jump and that is pretty high for something non intelligent like a mixture of chemicals don't you think.

To believe that these 1,000 encyclopdeias happend by chance is like believing you let a print shop explode and will receive complete perfect well structrced books out of the ink and paper that is in the air of the explosion.

IT DOES NOT MAKE SENSE. Nature does not produce messages. It produces chaos - that is in fact what the natrual law of entropy states...

So simply putting more time into the equation will result in more chaos not more structure.

There is for my just NO WAY that this happend randomly! Sorry but my rational mind tells me that is insane. There is intelligent in 1000 enzyclopdias. This is not lifeless matter writing things but a spirit manifesting in matter to do so.

So yes - you can call it Universe - God - Allah - Yaweh - Adonai. It does not matter. One thing is for sure for me at least there is a creator with a huge amount of intelligence out there that is manuevering these things. This creator had a purpose & specific design for things in mind - is therefore personal in nature not just an unpersonal universe. 

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